These beads are size 15/0 DELICA Hex Beads. The size 15/0 hex seed bead is called a CUT seed bead. Unless the buyer knows all the titles for the various similar-but-not-the-same-bead, and can then make an informed choice, you will make an incorrect purchase and waste your money. The seller bears the responsibility for product description, educating the customer when necessary through ad description. General Bead shirked this responsibility and I got stuck with $20 worth of beads I can’t use.
So, to be clear: Miyuki seed beads come in various sizes. Within those sizes there are cut beads, hex beads, Delica beads and rocaille (round), cubes, triangles, etc. If you are looking for a rocaille seed bead with angular sides, you want CUT to be in the title. If you want an angular DELICA bead, then look for HEX in the title. General Beads’s bead numbers DO NOT match Miyuki’s, so you can’t count on that either.